Last Year, WSMT blogged about whether water could be lawfully appropriated for Marijuana cultivation. 2/11/16 blog post. We provided three arguments why that would be allowed. Almost exactly a year later, the Division water referee agreed In Re...
Water Law
Colorado Supreme Court Applies Strict Burden of Proof of Historical Use for Change of Water Rights
In late March, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled in County of Boulder v. Boulder & Weld County Ditch Co., 367 P.3d 1179 (Colo. 2016). While this case did not involve any novel questions of Colorado water law, it did provide a clear warning to applicants for changes...
Ski Area Water Rights: Federal Water “Grab” Resolved?
The United States Forest Service (“Forest Service”) manages 193 million acres of public lands that provide 20 percent of the nation’s clean water supply worth an estimated $7.2 billion per year. Management of public lands by the Forest Service includes issuance of...
Weed and Water – Can water be used for marijuana cultivation in Colorado?
The question has become important to marijuana growers after the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision in Coats v. Dish Network, LLC, 303 P.3d 147 (Colo. 2015), where the Court held that an activity is only “lawful” if it violates neither state nor federal law. The issue...
Colorado Supreme Court Issues Important Water Rights Opinion in Wolfe v. Sedalia Water & Sanitation District.
The Colorado Supreme Court has now determined the standard for quantifying water rights that have already changed from one use to another in a prior case. This is an issue that has been very unclear for some time, and many water users have been uncertain about how...
Top Ten Tips for Acquiring a Water Supply
Plan Ahead – In Colorado, a complex set of laws and regulations govern when and where water can be taken and used. The process of determining whether water is available for your needs and obtaining a legal water supply can be a lengthy process. Need Water Quickly? –...