Judge Orders “Accelerated” Review of Long-Disputed Montana Oil and Gas Leases

On July 27, 2015, U.S. District Judge Richard Leon ordered the BLM to develop an “accelerated schedule” within the next 21 days to be used to decide whether to authorize development of 18 federal oil and gas leases that were originally issued in 1982, but have been suspended for several decades. As discussed earlier [insert link to NRP post from 4/16/15], while the leases were originally issued over 30 years ago, they were suspended by the BLM in 1992 following controversy over whether any development should occur in the area.

Solenex, LLC, who holds record title to the leases, filed suit in 2013, arguing that the BLM’s decades-long suspension is unlawful and violates the Mineral Leasing Act. On Monday, Judge Leon denied Solenex’s request to order BLM to lift the suspension, instead ordering the BLM and Forest Service to develop a schedule outlining when a final decision will be made. Calling the BLM’s failure to make a decision on the suspension “unreasonable,” Judge Leon stated “[n]o combination of excuses could possibly justify such ineptitude or recalcitrance for such an epic period of time.”

Judge Leon’s order requires the BLM and Forest Service to come up with an “accelerated and fixed schedule” in the next 21 days that identifies the tasks that still need to be completed before a final decision can be made and how long those tasks are expected to take. Attorneys for Solenex have stated that they are disappointed the court did not order the suspensions lifted, but are thankful that the court is taking the issue seriously.

Blackfeet tribal Chairman Harry Barnes stated that the tribe, which considers the area in which the leases are located to be a sacred cultural site, will continue to protest any oil and gas development in the area. “The tribe will never let any drilling go ahead . . . We’ve fought it for too long, and we’re going to continue to fight it.”