Oil & Gas


While most people were watching whether the Land and Water Conservation Fund would be reauthorized in the John D. Dingell,…

5 years ago

Unearthing Squandered Potential in Venezuela’s Oil Industry: A Tripartite Contractual Approach

Venezuela is reeling from a multitude of woes. Vast swathes of the population have fled to neighboring countries as a…

5 years ago

“All of the Above Energy”/ “Energy Dominance”: The Courts Strike Back on Climate Change

Although the Obama and Trump administrations differ markedly on climate change and energy policy, their oil and gas decisions are…

5 years ago

Martinez v. COGCC: Colorado Supreme Court Rejects Adverse Impacts Pre-Condition

On January 14, 2019, the Colorado Supreme Court reached a decision in COGCC v. Martinez, ending more than five years…

5 years ago

Wyoming Supreme Court Punts on Potential BLM “First in Time, First in Right” Interpretation of Competing Mineral Developers

A recent case before the Wyoming Supreme Court failed to clarify what, if any, remedies are available to conflicting developers…

6 years ago

Interior Reins in the MBTA to Remove a “Domestic Energy Burden”

Mining, oil and gas, wind, solar and transmission companies who have struggled to comply with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act…

7 years ago

The Surge in DUC Wells Begs the Question: How Long Can a DUC Well Hold a Lease?

Just over a year ago, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (“EIA”) began including a supplement to its Drilling Productivity Report…

7 years ago

Russia Fails to Defeat Fracking

Gazprom, Russia’s government owned natural gas company, has for decades supplied many Eastern European countries with most or all of…

7 years ago

IBLA Resolves Procedural Question for Review of Lease Suspension Decisions

Most decisions of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) are appealable to the Interior Board of Land Appeals (IBLA). However,…

7 years ago

The Battle over Local Control Heats up Again as Thornton’s Oil and Gas Regulations Challenged in Court

Six weeks following the City of Thornton’s adoption of strict new regulations on oil and gas operations, the Colorado Oil…

7 years ago