Zero Carbon Natural Gas Would Support More Fracking and More Natural Gas Power Plants

One of the arguments against fracking, and the natural gas industry in general, is that burning gas releases carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming.i What if burning natural gas resulted in no CO2 emissions? In the next three to five years that may be true. MIT Technology Review has identified “zero carbon natural gas” as […]

The U.S. Department of Interior recently announced new regulations (effective January 1, 2017) governing how federal royalties on oil and gas produced from federal leases are to be calculated. These regulations make some significant changes on how lessees are to value the production of natural gas from federal leases for the purposes of determining federal […]

When candidate Obama was running in 2008, he identified energy as his top priority and described his goal as the “transformation of American energy” to address the threat of climate change. On August 2, 2015, the President and the EPA Administrator announced the final rule to implement his Clean Power Plan. The focus of the […]