Wyoming Legislature Rejects Attempts to Penalize Wind Energy Industry

8 years ago

In a state that has been described as having “world class wind,” a boast hard to ignore during a winter…

After Years of Planning, the Forest Service Approves Arapahoe Basin’s Ski Area Expansion (WAHOOOO!)

8 years ago

On March 3rd, the attorneys of Welborn Sullivan Meck & Tooley will embark on our annual ski trip to Arapahoe…

Nonconsenting Owner in a Colorado Oil and Gas Well Must First Pursue Claim for Payment of Proceeds of Production at COGCC – not District Court

8 years ago

A recent Colorado Court of Appeals decision involves two parts of the statutes regarding the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation…

Proposed Public Land Sale Falls to Public Opposition

8 years ago

On February 1, 2017, Representative Jason Chaffetz (UT-R) announced that he would pull a bill proposing to sell more than…

What Happens After the Nomination? How a Nominee becomes a Supreme Court Justice

8 years ago

On January 31, 2017, President Trump nominated Judge Neil M. Gorsuch, a Coloradan and judge on the Tenth Circuit Court…

Hoping to Fish or Boat on Utah Waters? The Utah Supreme Court May Soon Clarify Your Access Rights.

8 years ago

After nearly a decade of uncertainty, Utahns and visitors alike are looking forward to certainty on two key issues: (1)…

Colorado Supreme Court Limits How Transbasin Water May Be Used and Holds That Unjustified Non-Use of Water Rights Will Count Against Water Users When They Change Their Water Rights

8 years ago

The Colorado Supreme Court recently addressed two previously unsettled issues that will impact other water users in Grand Valley Water…

Hardrock Mining Will Require Hard Cash

8 years ago

On January 11, 2017, EPA published a proposed new rule that would require hardrock mining facilities to post security or…

Amended BLM Right Of Way Regulations

8 years ago

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) published amended rules governing rights of way granted under Title V of the Federal…

Weighing the Scales: Master Leasing Plan Aims to Balance Oil, Natural Gas and Mining with Conservation of Arches and Canyonlands National Parks

8 years ago

Internationally known for rugged landscapes and stunning views, the treasured Arches and Canyonlands National Parks now have a plan, that…