What’s Next: Producers’ Ability to “Just Say No” to Gas Gathering Agreements in Bankruptcy

4 years ago

Our recent post, “Gas Agreements Rejected For Not Running With Land,” described decisions of the Delaware bankruptcy courts concluding that…

Gas Agreements Rejected For Not “Running With Land,” Part I in a two part series

4 years ago

The last quarter of 2020 has brought with it two important rulings from the Delaware bankruptcy court. Applying real covenant…

Liens, Taxes and Bankruptcy in Wyoming – Oh My! 2020 Changes to Ad Valorem Tax and Lien Law

4 years ago

There is a sign near the Casper airport that reads:  “Oil and Gas Pay Most Our Taxes.”  In a State…

How do you know if you need a federal permit when you discharge pollutants into groundwater? “That’s your problem,” Supreme Court says.

4 years ago

On April 23, 2020, a divided Supreme Court ruled in County of Maui, Hawaii v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund that the…

Meet The Shareholder: James Noble

5 years ago

Q. You are a native of New Mexico - tell us what brought you to Colorado and what your favorite…

Protecting Financial/Trade Secret Information Submitted to the Federal Government: FOIA Exemption 4

5 years ago

The Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on July 4, 1966. FOIA…


5 years ago

While most people were watching whether the Land and Water Conservation Fund would be reauthorized in the John D. Dingell,…

Unearthing Squandered Potential in Venezuela’s Oil Industry: A Tripartite Contractual Approach

5 years ago

Venezuela is reeling from a multitude of woes. Vast swathes of the population have fled to neighboring countries as a…

“All of the Above Energy”/ “Energy Dominance”: The Courts Strike Back on Climate Change

5 years ago

Although the Obama and Trump administrations differ markedly on climate change and energy policy, their oil and gas decisions are…

Martinez v. COGCC: Colorado Supreme Court Rejects Adverse Impacts Pre-Condition

6 years ago

On January 14, 2019, the Colorado Supreme Court reached a decision in COGCC v. Martinez, ending more than five years…