9 years ago

The Conservation Basics A primary objective of the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Act (the “Act”) has always been conservation…

Monument Making And The Presidency

9 years ago

Like presidents before him, President Obama is using the 1906 Antiquities Act, 16 U.S.C. § 431-433, as part of his…

Preliminary Considerations in Condemnation Actions

9 years ago

In condemnation actions in Colorado, the condemning party must take great care to satisfy legal prerequisites prior to initiating suit…

Drafting Oil and Gas Royalty Provisions; KISS- “Keep it Simple, Stupid!”

9 years ago

The KISS principle that systems perform best with simple rather than complex designscan apply in the world of legal drafting.…

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Recommends Cancellation of Oil and Gas Leases in Montana

9 years ago

On September 21, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), an independent federal agency with a key advisory role in…

Employment Termination For Off-Duty Marijuana Use In Colorado – Is It Legal?

9 years ago

For Colorado employers with a zero-tolerance drug policy, employment termination for marijuana use during off-hours has been an unsettled question…

Early State Challenges to the Clean Power Plan Fall Short of Stay

9 years ago

On August 3, 2015, the Obama Administration through the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) announced the implementation of the Clean Power…

Employer Alert: Tenth Circuit Expands Scope of Hostile Environment Claims in Flashing Case

9 years ago

Last week, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals delivered new guidance as to the type of conduct that can support…

Gold King Mine Accident Highlights Risks Posed by Abandoned Mines

9 years ago

On August 5, 2015, EPA personnel were working with a private contractor on a water quality project at the Gold…

Underground Rights are Defined in Texas

9 years ago

     On August 19, 2015 the Fourth District Court of Appeals in San Antonio, Texas, ruled that, because the…