Arbitration Pitfalls – Failing to Specify Who Decides Arbitrability

10 years ago

Arbitration Series - Part 1 of 3:  Agreements to arbitrate are often viewed favorably during contract negotiations as way to…

UT Governor Herbert Signs Executive Order on the Greater Sage Grouse to Short Circuit Federal Listing

10 years ago

On Tuesday, February 10, 2015, Utah Governor Gary Herbert signed an executive order directing state agencies to implement additional state-level…

Interior Will Make Greater Sage-grouse Determination Despite Congressional Rider

10 years ago

In a January 26, 2015 letter responding to the bi-partisan co-chairs of the Western Governors’ Association State-Federal Sage-Grouse Task Force,…

The Muddy Waters Surround the FWS’s Listing of the Gunnison Sage-Grouse

10 years ago

In the 2015 Appropriations Bill (Cromnibus), via a rider, Congress prohibited Interior from writing or issuing any final listing rule…

Nevada Association of Counties Sue over Candidate Species Settlement

10 years ago

In a new twist in the ongoing debate between states and the federal government over the management of wildlife, the…

EPA Proposes Methane Emissions Cuts for Oil and Gas to Meet Climate Change Goals

10 years ago

On January 14, 2015, the Obama Administration announced a plan to reduce methane emissions from oil and gas operations by…

Federal Judge Strikes Down County Ordinance Banning Hydraulic Fracturing

10 years ago

On January 19, 2015, in a 199-page summary judgment opinion in SWEPI, LP v. Mora County, New Mexico (CIV 14-0035…


10 years ago

Hire Employees “At Will” - “At will” employment provides your business with maximum flexibility in employment relationships by allowing for…

Top Ten Tips For Fee Oil and Gas Leases

10 years ago

Pooling Clause - Review the pooling clause to ensure that it is broad enough to allow pooling for the planned…

BLM Proposes Renewable Energy Leasing and Rights-of-Way Regulations

10 years ago

On December 16, 2014, the BLM closed a comment process on wind and solar competitive leasing regulations. What is equally…