“Balanced Prosperous Energy Future” on Public Lands?

10 years ago

On March 17, 2015, Secretary Jewell presented what was billed as a “major speech” to describe her vision of a…

Employer Alert: Colorado’s New Wage Protection Act Implements Sweeping Changes to Wage Claims

10 years ago

Colorado employers need to be more mindful than ever with regard to timely payment of wages. A new Wage Protection…

Sixty Years of Fracking Data – What Does it Say?

10 years ago

On January 27, 2015, the U.S. Geological Survey, the science arm of the U.S. Department of the Interior, published a…

Colorado Supreme Court Issues Important Water Rights Opinion in Wolfe v. Sedalia Water & Sanitation District.

10 years ago

The Colorado Supreme Court has now determined the standard for quantifying water rights that have already changed from one use…

Summary of The Colorado Oil and Gas Task Force Final Report

10 years ago

The Colorado Oil and Gas Task Force submitted its Final Report on February 27, 2015 making nine recommendations to the…

Arbitration Pitfalls – Broad or Narrow Scope

10 years ago

Arbitration Series - Part 3 of 3:  When drafting an arbitration provision, careful attention should be given to the language…

Arbitration Pitfalls – Failing to Specify Duration

10 years ago

Arbitration Series - Part 2 of 3:  Arbitration clauses are often contained in purchase and sales agreements, underwriting agreements, earn-in…

Equitable Extension of Oil and Gas Lease Rejected During Pendency of Lessor’s Declaratory Judgment Action to Declare Lease Invalid: Pennsylvania

10 years ago

On February 17, 2015, in a decision that is contrary to the principle that is nearly universally applied in other…

State vs Local Control of Oil and Gas Activity: Ohio

10 years ago

On February 17, 2015, in State ex rel. Morrison v. Beck Energy Corp. (Slip Opinion No. 2015-Ohio-485), the Ohio Supreme…

Colorado Supreme Court Holds That a Revocable Option Agreement Does Not Violate The Common Law Rule Against Perpetuities

10 years ago

The Colorado Supreme Court held that an option to purchase oil and gas properties did not violate the common law…