Legal Updates

The Colorado Supreme Court recently addressed two previously unsettled issues that will impact other water users in Grand Valley Water Users Ass’n v. Busk-Ivanhoe, Inc., 14SA303 (2016).  First, the Court held that imported transbasin water may not be stored in the basin of import prior to first use unless the decree expressly authorizes it.  The […]

On January 11, 2017, EPA published a proposed new rule that would require hardrock mining facilities to post security or prove their financial responsibility under Section 108(b) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund).  Owners and operators of such facilities can already be held strictly liable under CERCLA for cleanup […]

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) published amended rules governing rights of way granted under Title V of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (“FLPMA”) and under the Mineral Leasing Act (for oil or gas pipeline rights of way) on December 19, 2016, 81 Fed. Reg. 92,122 (  The rules take effect January 18, […]

Internationally known for rugged landscapes and stunning views, the treasured Arches and Canyonlands National Parks now have a plan, that is, a Master Leasing Plan.   The Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) introduced the concept of Master Leasing Plans (“MLPs”) as part of a suite of federal onshore oil and gas leasing reforms rolled out […]

Wyoming’s Supreme Court Justices seem to agree most of the time.  In fact, in 2016 more than 95% of the Court’s orders and opinions were unanimous.  The most recent disagreement is in Cheyenne Newspapers, Inc. v. The Board of Trustees of Laramie County School District Number One, 2016 WY 113, 2016 WL 6995555 (Wyo. 2016). […]

Yesterday, a federal judge in Texas issued a nationwide preliminary injunction barring implementation of the new overtime rule that raises the salary threshold for white collar employees from $23,660 to $47,476. Court Decision This ruling means that the new salary threshold for overtime exemptions of executives, administrators, professionals and highly compensated employees will not go […]

Private groups estimate that the outdoor recreation industry generates $646 billion in consumer spending each year and supports 6.1 million jobs—more than pharmaceuticals and motor vehicles and parts combined (see chart below). Yet, policy makers have been left in the dark as to the sector’s influence on the national economy because the federal government has […]

Since the Obama Administration announced its implementation in August of 2015, the Clean Power Plan (“CPP”) has managed to survive despite the many challenges brought against it. The Environmental Protection Agency (the “EPA”) rule was the centerpiece of the Obama Administration’s climate change plan and seeks to reduce carbon pollution from power plants by 32% […]

The U.S. Department of Interior recently announced new regulations (effective January 1, 2017) governing how federal royalties on oil and gas produced from federal leases are to be calculated. These regulations make some significant changes on how lessees are to value the production of natural gas from federal leases for the purposes of determining federal […]

What is the “law of the land” and how should it be enforced? These questions drive the interplay between state and federal governments, particularly in the Rocky Mountain West. This is especially true when you consider that the federal government owns vast areas of the surface of Colorado (35.9%), Wyoming (48.1%) and the other 10 […]

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